On large stages, the challenge is to move heavy loads and props to the right place at the right time to give the audience a perfect performance. To ensure that this works flawlessly even during the prevailing tension and hectic pace of performances, Robot Makers GmbH and Gross Funk GmbH developed the control system for an autonomous stage wagon in a cooperative project. It allows to record driving sequences in the rehearsals and to repeat them automatically as often as desired, e.g. in the demonstrations. The respective driving sequences can be easily managed and selected via a cell phone or notebook.
The control system is based on the proven stage wagon of Gross Funk GmbH. This vehicle is specially adapted to the requirements of large stages and allows the realization of simple transport tasks up to choreographies with several systems. There are no limits to the imagination for possible setups.

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Realized added values
Time saving
Once taught and the perfect drive path is in place – and that for all further rehearsals and shows. No unnecessary repetitions just because the prop was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The responsible stagehand is ill or otherwise prevented from working? No problem. Just select the appropriate scene via mobile device, position the stage wagon and off you go.
Repeat accuracy
Especially on narrow stages it is necessary to move the props with the greatest possible accuracy. Once learned, the system repeats the tracks with unrivalled precision.