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The proven Teach&Repeat approach enables effective and safe teaching of new parcels. Once taught, this parcel can be repeated automatically as often as required. The Teach&Repeat approach really comes into its own, especially with more complex field geometries, where reverse travel is also helpful.
You want to edit a parcel only partially? Using the intelligent ontracking assistant, you simply start editing at the desired point.
Thanks to global navigation satellite systems and Real Time Kinematics (RTK), the absolute vehicle position can be determined to within a few centimeters. Disturbances in the travel times of the satellite signals are calculated by stationary base stations and transmitted to the vehicle (rover) as correction data.
To achieve the highest possible availability, we use state-of-the-art technology in the MowPilot that evaluates satellite signals on different frequency bands (multiband) and also uses data from all common satellite constellations (GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Galileo).
Reliable automated mowing of green areas
All necessary configurations of the MowPilot can be set intuitively via our WebApp. This is based on HTML5 and is mobile-compatible. This means that it can be accessed with all common mobile devices. The appearance can be adapted to your corporate design if required.
Of course, existing remote controls and other user interfaces can also be integrated into the MowPilot operating concept. Just get in touch with us.
Have we aroused your interest? Do you as a machine manufacturer want to be one of the pioneers in the development of Intelligent Mobile Machines?
Contact us now and find out about the possibilities of a cooperation. We are at your disposal with pleasure.