Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020

Die Robot Makers GmbH wünscht frohe Weihnachten

At the end of the eventful year 2019, we would like to thank you for your interest in our company and for the cooperative partnership. Together with our partners, we were again able to implement many exciting projects in the field of mobile automation this year and realize great intelligent mobile machines. On behalf of […]

Fair time: Agritechnica and Winzer-Service-Messe

Unsere Intelligenten Mobilen Maschinen auf der Agritechnica in Hannover und der Winzer-Service-Messe in Karlsruhe im Jahr 2019

In November, the solutions of Robot Makers GmbH will be on display at two major trade fairs in Germany. From the 10th to the 16th of November several of our vehicles and realizations can be seen at the Agritechnica in Hannover. On 27 and 28 November we will be presenting our services at the Winzer-Service-Messe […]

Kick-Off for the ATLAS project

Projekt Kick-off für das EU-Forschungsprojekt ATLAS im Programm Horizon2020.

Modern agriculture is becoming more and more data driven. Although a multitude of technical solutions already exist, the lack of interoperability demands a careful choice of machines, sensors and data processing platforms and hinders the adaption of these systems to the individual farmer’s specific needs. Τhe Horizon 2020 project “ATLAS” aspires to overcome these constraints […]

VDI Conference “Sensors for Mobile Machines 2019”

Unser Entwicklungsleiter Jochen Hirth hät einen Vortrag auf der VDI Fachkonferenz "Sensoren für mobile Maschinen 2019"

The 3rd VDI Conference “Sensors for Mobile Machines” will take place at the Maritim Hotel Ulm on 04. and 05. December. Also the specialists of the Robot Makers GmbH will be represented with an interesting lecture on the podium. Under the title “Fusion of local and global sensor technology for autonomous navigation”, Dr. Jochen Hirth […]

The Who is Who of the Tree Nursery Industry – Nursery Machinery 2019

Ein elektrisch betriebenes Raupenfahrzeug mit dem Autonomie-Kit RowCropPilot zeigt sein können auf der Messe Baumschultechnik im Norden Deutschlands.

On 29 and 30 August, the Who’s Who of the tree nursery industry met in Ellerhoop for the Nursery Machinery 2019 trade fair. More than 320 exhibitors presented their technology highlights and many innovations in the field of sustainable tree production on around 4 hectares of exhibition space. In addition, several well-attended live demonstrations presented […]

Fair “Nursery Machinery” in Ellerhoop

This week we are represented at the fair “Nursery Machinery 2019” in the horticultural centre of the Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein in Ellerhoop. After a seven-year break, this technology show will once again be held under the motto “Innovation meets tradition”. More than 320 exhibitors have announced their intention to present technical innovations to practitioners.

Robot Makers solutions on TV

Die Staatssekretärin Heike Raab besuchte die Robot Makers GmbH um sich einen Eindruck der Intelligenten Mobilen Maschinen zu machen.

In recent weeks, various intelligent mobile machines from Robot Makers GmbH have been featured on Südwestrundfunk (SWR). On 25 July, the State Secretary for Media and Digital Affairs of Rhineland-Palatinate, Heike Raab, visited us together with the Mayor of the City of Kaiserslautern, Klaus Weichel.

Kaiserslautern becomes 5G model region

The budget committee of the German Bundestag announced last Wednesday that Kaiserslautern is now one of six model regions for the new mobile radio standard 5G in Germany. The city had applied with a concept under the title “5G for city, country and work”. Thus, the contract for the immediate start of the project was […]

Autonomous driving in RLP – Symposium in Mainz

Der Wirtschaftsminister

At the symposium “Autonomous Driving” last Monday, 17.06.2019, in Mainz, the focus was on the challenges to be expected in the future, especially in the area of connected and automated driving, and the solutions of the Rhineland-Palatinate economy on these topics. The interesting lecture programme was complemented by a top-class exhibition with many live presentations […]