RM Blog

Intelligent Mobile Machines Blog

Die Robot Makers GmbH ist beteiligt am Horizon 2020 Forschungsprojekt ATLAS.

ATLAS Project: Call for innovative ideas and solutions

The continuous evolution of the agricultural sector also includes the incorporation and adaptation of the latest technologies. The Horizon 2020 project Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis

Die Robot Makers GmbH ist beteiligt am Horizon 2020 Forschungsprojekt ATLAS.

ATLAS Project Poll #1

Within the ATLAS project, there will be frequent polls on the topic of agriculture of the future. The first round of the poll starts today

Die Robot Makers GmbH wünscht frohe Weihnachten

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020

At the end of the eventful year 2019, we would like to thank you for your interest in our company and for the cooperative partnership.

Projekt Kick-off für das EU-Forschungsprojekt ATLAS im Programm Horizon2020.

Kick-Off for the ATLAS project

Modern agriculture is becoming more and more data driven. Although a multitude of technical solutions already exist, the lack of interoperability demands a careful choice

Fair “Nursery Machinery” in Ellerhoop

This week we are represented at the fair “Nursery Machinery 2019” in the horticultural centre of the Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein in Ellerhoop. After a seven-year break,

Die Staatssekretärin Heike Raab besuchte die Robot Makers GmbH um sich einen Eindruck der Intelligenten Mobilen Maschinen zu machen.

Robot Makers solutions on TV

In recent weeks, various intelligent mobile machines from Robot Makers GmbH have been featured on Südwestrundfunk (SWR). On 25 July, the State Secretary for Media