Autonomous robot platform ROVO AI – Creating innovations together

Creating outstanding intelligent mobile machines requires the interaction of powerful software with high-tech sensors, powerful yet precise actuators, and high-performance control technology. With the goal of creating an application-neutral, emmision-free and autonomous robot platform, three market leaders have joined forces in partnership. The control technology and sensor specialist Sensor-Technik-Wiedemann, the hydraulics experts from HAWE and […]
Merry Christmas and a good start into the year 2022

The past year 2021 was also largely dominated by the global Corona pandemic. Even if more appointments with our customers and partners could be made during the summer months, we still made sure to avoid direct contacts wherever possible. Unfortunately, our 10th company anniversary also fell victim to this circumstance – but postponed is not […]
Autonomous stage technology excites on international stages

The autonomous stage wagon mecanum drive of our partner Gross Funk convinces more and more responsible persons of theaters and show stages all over the world and impresses with reliability, repeatability and robustness. The project between Gross Funk and Robot Makers, which was launched jointly in 2015, is finding ever greater favor with the managers […]
Bodenseetechniktag 2021: We are participating

After a long absence from the trade fairs due to the worldwide Corona pandemic, we are making our trade fair comeback this coming Saturday at the Bodenseetechniktag 2021 of Maschinenring Tettnang. The event will take place in compliance with the current Corona regulation next Saturday, from 09:00 am at Lehenweg, 88085 Langenargen-Oberdorf. The Bodenseetechniktag focuses […]
Weinbau 4.0: Robot Makers are partner of flagship initiative

On April 14, 24 flagship initiatives in the state competition “RegioWIN 2030 – Regional Competitiveness through Innovation and Sustainability” were awarded prizes at a virtual event organized by the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Württemberg. Robot Makers GmbH is a partner in the project Weinbau 4.0 (Viticulture 4.0), which deals with a future-proof and sustainable wine […]
Smart Farming through Intelligent Mobile Machines

Smart farming helps to lead agriculture into a new age through modern information and communication technologies (ICT). The goal is to make food production more efficient and at the same time more sustainable. Intelligent mobile machines and agricultural robots are an important component that can make a major contribution in achieving this goal. What is […]
Merry Christmas and a healthy new year 2021

The year 2020 is probably the most unusual year since the founding of our company. Due to a global pandemic, many presentations and appointments could not take place or were severely delayed. Nevertheless, we were able to stay in contact with our partners via our remote maintenance capability as well as video conferencing to address, […]
5 reasons why Intelligent Mobile Machines are shaping the future

In the past, muscle power was the only way to do heavy work. For the first time, pack animals helped humans to perform certain tasks and save energy. Due to the subsequent mechanization, almost all work steps were carried out with machines. Due to technological advances on various levels and simultaneously emerging challenges, the next […]
Robot Makers GmbH wins Innovation Award 2020 together with Braun Maschinenbau

Now it is official – Robot Makers GmbH and Braun Maschinenbau GmbH together win the Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Award 2020 in the category “Cooperation”. The prize is awarded for the Vineyard Pilot Assistant implement automation system in combination with the RowCropPilot lane guidance system. Therefore, the renowned prize is awarded to an Intelligent Mobile Machine in […]
ATLAS Project: Call for innovative ideas and solutions

The continuous evolution of the agricultural sector also includes the incorporation and adaptation of the latest technologies. The Horizon 2020 project Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System (ATLAS) is on the search for interoperability between agricultural machinery, sensors, and data processing services in order to increase productivity in a sustainable way (Smart Farming). Companies can submit […]