Weinbau – Total digital – Event on 28 February 2019

On 28 February 2019, 2:30 pm, an interesting event will take place in Großbottwar at the Bottwartaler Winzer eG. Under the title “Viticulture – totally digital”, the focus will be on the digitisation of viticulture. Our managing director Dr. Bernd Helge Leroch will also give a lecture on “Automation between the rows of vines”.
Agrartage 2019: Great interest in automation solutions

As in previous years, we were again present at the machine exhibition of the Agrartage Rheinhessen in Nieder-Olm from 23 to 25 January 2019. The focus of our booth was on our technology portfolio for the winegrowing and fruit growing sector, which offers solutions for the areas of implement automation, anticipatory track guidance and autonomous […]